Mery, who lives in Rome, said: “This morning I learned from a follower on Instagram that another Telegram channel has been created with my photos. She confirmed she had filed a complaint for “illegal dissemination of sexually explicit images or videos” – the same legislation that bans revenge porn. There is talk of image theft and it is a serious criminal offence.” “This is to make you understand that I am not joking when you cross the line. She said: “The person responsible will be be getting an unpleasant call, and they deserve it. Mery, who has 22,000 followers on Instagram, contacted the Italian cops, demanding an investigation into the leak, Corriere Della Sera reports.
Mery Liviero, 26, said she joined OnlyFans to earn some cash to start a cooking channel on YouTubeCredit: SKYīut she was shocked to find some of the explicit images shared in private chats on OnlyFans had been shared on WhatsApp and Facebook across Italy.